
Corpse Bride Bouquet


This Corpse Bride Bouquet is a fancy dress accessory and may contain small pieces.

SKU: 9627

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Corpse Bride Bouquet

This Corpse Bride Bouquet, from Smiffy’s, is a great addition to your Halloween Bride costume. The Bouquet features a bundle of three fake black roses. You can pair this with a dead Bride costume or a Day of the Dead fancy dress to complete the look.

Props can really make a difference to an ordinary Halloween costume, and you can use your imagination on what to use. Black Roses are perfect fort he Halloween season, as it helps to exaggerate the gloomy feel of the holiday. We have a wide selection of props and accessories perfect for Halloween costumes.

This Corpse Bride Bouquet is a fancy dress accessory and may contain small pieces.